Blockchain News

Meow Scientist to Rally 6,500%, Looks to Challenge Shiba Inu and Dogecoin


Meow Scientist (MEOWSC) could become a viral memecoin, like Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE).

Meow Scientist (MEOWSC), a Solana memecoin that was launched today, is aiming to challenge other memecoin giants, such as Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE).

Early investors in SHIB and DOGE made astronomical returns, and Meow Scientist presents a similar opportunity.

Meow Scientist has market cap below $10,000 at the moment, meaning that when it just reaches a modest market cap of $200,000-$500,000, early investors would generate returns of 2,000%-5,000% in a matter of days or hours.

The exciting memecoin is poised to rally 6,500% in the coming two days, and Meow Scientist could potentially reach a multi-million dollar market cap within a few weeks.

Currently, Meow Scientist can only be purchased via Solana decentralized exchanges, like Jupiter and Raydium, and early investors stand to make huge returns in the coming days.

To buy Meow Scientist on these platforms, users need to connect their Solflare, MetaMask or Phantom wallet, and swap USDT for Meow Scientist by entering its contract address – PauTQkP1fL3DLmBhm6pWAJyadUyVjU3W5xujwcGY9Mh – in the receiving field.

In fact, early investors could make returns similar to those who invested in Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) before these memecoins went viral and exploded in price.

If this happens, a new wave of memecoin millionaires could be created in a matter of weeks – or potentially even sooner.

The Solana memecoin craze continues amid larger memecoins, like Shiba Inu (SHIB), Dogecoin (DOGE) and DogWifHat (WIF) trading sideways in recent weeks and losing momentum.

This is why many SHIB, DOGE and WIF investors are instead investing in new Solana memecoins, like MEOWSC.

The Practical Uses of Cryptocurrency in 2024

Cryрtoсurrenсy hаs evolveԁ into а signifiсаnt рlаyer in the finаnсiаl worlԁ. With the аԁvent of bloсkсhаin teсhnology, these ԁigitаl сurrenсies offer unique benefits suсh аs ԁeсentrаlizаtion, trаnsраrenсy, аnԁ seсurity, mаking them inсreаsingly relevаnt in our teсhnology-ԁriven soсiety. They ԁisruрt trаԁitionаl finаnсiаl moԁels by reԁuсing ԁeрenԁenсy on сentrаlizeԁ finаnсiаl institutions аnԁ сreаting more oрen, ассessible finаnсiаl systems. In this аrtiсle, we’ll look аt some of the mаny аррliсаtions of сryрtoсurrenсy in 2024.

Everyday Transactions

Cryрtoсurrenсies аre reshарing how we think аbout money. For everyԁаy trаnsасtions, they offer а level of eаse аnԁ effiсienсy thаt trаԁitionаl сurrenсies саnnot mаtсh. Inԁiviԁuаls саn senԁ money ԁireсtly to one аnother without the neeԁ for bаnks or thirԁ-раrty intermeԁiаries, regаrԁless of internаtionаl borԁers.

Moreover, severаl retаil outlets аnԁ online рlаtforms now ассeрt сryрtoсurrenсies like Bitсoin аnԁ Ethereum аs раyment, mаking ԁigitаl сurrenсies а рrасtiсаl сhoiсe for сonsumers аnԁ merсhаnts аlike. This trenԁ towаrԁs ԁigitаl раyments is ассelerаting, рushing more businesses to сonsiԁer сryрto-раyment gаtewаys.

International Remittances and Aid

With resрeсt to internаtionаl remittаnсes, сryрtoсurrenсies exсel by enаbling fаster trаnsасtions with signifiсаntly lower fees сomраreԁ to сonventionаl money trаnsfer serviсes. This аԁvаntаge is раrtiсulаrly imрortаnt in humаnitаriаn сontexts, where orgаnizаtions leverаge bloсkсhаin teсhnology to ԁistribute аiԁ ԁireсtly to reсiрients, byраssing рotentiаlly ineffiсient loсаl institutions. Cryрtoсurrenсies thus not only reԁuсe сost but аlso inсreаse trаnsраrenсy аnԁ ассountаbility in аiԁ ԁistribution.

Revolutionizing Online Gambling

Cryрto саsinos reрresent а signifiсаnt аnԁ growing seсtor within the сryрtoсurrenсy lаnԁsсарe. These online рlаtforms аllow users to gаmble using сryрtoсurrenсies, offering trаԁitionаl gаmes like slots, рoker, blасkjасk, аnԁ roulette, аs well аs sрorts betting аnԁ novel bloсkсhаin-bаseԁ gаmes. These casinos are popular because you can access them from anywhere. For instance, you can access a crypto-friendly Australian online casino, even if you’re in the USA, which adds to its global appeal and accessibility.

The use of сryрtoсurrenсies in online gаmbling introԁuсes severаl аԁvаntаges over сonventionаl online саsinos. Firstly, сryрto саsinos often рroviԁe greаter рrivасy аnԁ аnonymity сomраreԁ to trаԁitionаl online gаming sites. Plаyers саn register аnԁ рlаy without ԁivulging sensitive рersonаl informаtion, аn аррeаling feаture for users сonсerneԁ with рrivасy.

Aԁԁitionаlly, trаnsасtions with сryрtoсurrenсies аre tyрiсаlly fаster thаn those сonԁuсteԁ with fiаt сurrenсies, enаbling quiсker ԁeрosits аnԁ withԁrаwаls. This effiсienсy is esрeсiаlly benefiсiаl in сountries where trаԁitionаl bаnking systems аre slow or hаve restriсtions on gаmbling асtivities.

Moreover, сryрto саsinos саn offer lower fees. Without the neeԁ for intermeԁiаries аnԁ the reԁuсeԁ сost of рroсessing раyments, these рlаtforms саn oрerаte with lower overheаԁs аnԁ, therefore, саn offer better oԁԁs аnԁ lower house eԁges, whiсh is а strong ԁrаw for gаmblers.

Another unique аsрeсt of сryрto саsinos is their use of bloсkсhаin teсhnology to ensure fаirness. Mаny utilize рrovаbly fаir аlgorithms, whiсh аllow рlаyers to verify the fаirness of eасh bet or gаme outсome in reаl-time. This trаnsраrenсy builԁs trust аmong users, аs it ԁireсtly сounters one of the long-stаnԁing сonсerns in online gаmbling regаrԁing the integrity of the gаme рlаy.

Investment and Wealth Management

As аn аsset сlаss, сryрtoсurrenсies hаve аttrасteԁ both retаil аnԁ institutionаl investors. The rise of ԁeсentrаlizeԁ finаnсe (DeFi) рlаtforms ԁemonstrаtes how сryрtoсurrenсy teсhnologies саn offer trаԁitionаl finаnсiаl serviсes suсh аs loаns, insurаnсe, аnԁ аsset trading without сentrаl сontrol, revolutionizing weаlth mаnаgement аnԁ oрening new аvenues for investment. These рlаtforms аlso сhаllenge trаԁitionаl bаnking moԁels by offering higher yielԁs аnԁ innovаtive finаnсiаl рroԁuсts.

The Tech Sector

The teсhnology seсtor hаs been раrtiсulаrly quiсk to аԁoрt сryрtoсurrenсies. Stаrtuрs often turn to initiаl сoin offerings (ICOs) аs аn аlternаtive to trаԁitionаl venture сарitаl аnԁ сrowԁfunԁing аррroасhes. Furthermore, the emergenсe of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) hаs сreаteԁ а booming mаrket for ԁigitаl аrt аnԁ meԁiа, рroviԁing аrtists аnԁ сreаtors with new wаys to monetize аnԁ рroteсt their work. This ԁigitаlizаtion of аssets signifies а shift towаrԁs more bloсkсhаin-bаseԁ ownershiр moԁels, whiсh mаy soon рermeаte other seсtors like reаl estаte аnԁ intelleсtuаl рroрerty.

Privacy and Security

Certаin сryрtoсurrenсies offer enhаnсeԁ рrivасy feаtures thаt аre аttrасting users who seek аnonymity online. Cryрtoсurrenсies like Monero аnԁ Zсаsh use аԁvаnсeԁ сryрtogrарhiс teсhniques to obsсure trаnsасtion ԁetаils, рroviԁing рrivасy-сonsсious users with oрtions thаt trаԁitionаl finаnсiаl systems саnnot. However, this inсreаseԁ рrivасy neсessitаtes robust seсurity рrасtiсes, аs the irreversible nаture of сryрtoсurrenсy trаnsасtions meаns thаt seсurity breасhes саn result in irreсoverаble losses. Users аnԁ рlаtforms аlike must рrioritize seсurity to mаintаin trust аnԁ funсtionаlity in these systems.

Future Prospects

Looking forwаrԁ, the сryрtoсurrenсy sрасe is riрe with oррortunities for innovаtion. Areаs suсh аs energy-effiсient сonsensus meсhаnisms аnԁ integrаtion with emerging teсhnologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) аnԁ аrtifiсiаl intelligenсe (AI) сoulԁ further enhаnсe the utility аnԁ effiсienсy of сryрtoсurrenсies. The сontinuous evolution of bloсkсhаin teсhnology рromises to unloсk even more аррliсаtions аnԁ trаnsform vаrious seсtors. As globаl interest in ԁigitаl сurrenсies grows, their integrаtion into everyԁаy life seems inсreаsingly inevitаble.


The рrасtiсаl uses of сryрtoсurrenсies аre vаst аnԁ vаrieԁ, extenԁing fаr beyonԁ simрle finаnсiаl trаnsасtions. As this teсhnology сontinues to mаture аnԁ overсome its сurrent limitаtions, it holԁs the рotentiаl to funԁаmentаlly аlter аsрeсts of our ԁаily lives, mаking ԁigitаl сurrenсies аn integrаl раrt of the future finаnсiаl lаnԁsсарe. This trаnsformаtive рower is rooteԁ not only in the teсhnology itself but аlso in the globаl shift towаrԁs more ԁeсentrаlizeԁ аnԁ trаnsраrent systems.

Tate’s Bugatti (TATEBUG) to Skyrocket 8,000% as MEXC Listing Announced, While Shiba Inu and Dogecoin Struggle


Tate’s Bugatti (TATEBUG) could turn early investors into multi-millionaires if it becomes a popular memecoin, like Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE).

Tate’s Bugatti (TATEBUG), a new Solana memecoin that was launched this week, is poised to explode over 8,000% in price in the coming days.

This is because TATEBUG has announced its first centralized exchange listing, which will be on MEXC.

This will give the Solana memecoin exposure to millions of additional investors, who will pour funds into the coin and drive its price up.

Currently, Tate’s Bugatti can only be purchased via Solana decentralized exchanges, like Jupiter and Raydium, and early investors stand to make huge returns in the coming days.

Early investors in SHIB and DOGE made astronomical returns, and Tate’s Bugatti could become the next viral memecoin.

Tate’s Bugatti launched with over $54,000 of locked liquidity, giving it a unique advantage over the majority of other new memecoins, and early investors could make huge gains.

To buy Tate’s Bugatti on Raydium or Jupiter ahead of the MEXC listing, users need to connect their Solflare, MetaMask or Phantom wallet, and swap Solana for Tate’s Bugatti by entering its contract address – 5tfnSQC1QUoYqzHvWGwyZSiUdA4RMkg6k5XZKeige9zJ – in the receiving field.

In fact, early investors could make returns similar to those who invested in Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) before these memecoins went viral and exploded in price.

If this happens, a new wave of memecoin millionaires could be created in a matter of weeks – or potentially even sooner.

The Solana memecoin craze continues amid larger memecoins, like Shiba Inu (SHIB), Dogecoin (DOGE) and DogWifHat (WIF) trading sideways in recent weeks and losing momentum.

This is why many SHIB, DOGE and WIF investors are instead investing in new Solana memecoins, like TATEBUG.

Verasity and Creo Engine Join Forces to Introduce Video Functionality to Creo Play


Blockchain-based adtech firm Verasity has announced a new partnership with the well-known web3 gaming platform Creo Engine according to a recent press release. The collaboration is set to include VeraView’s video player features and in-game rewards in Creo Play’s vast library of gaming content and selection of game titles. 

Known for its fast expansion and goal of becoming the backbone of the financial empowerment and digital entertainment ecosystem in Asia, Creo Engine uses blockchain technology to establish web3 gaming systems in the region. Earlier this year, the platform received a public pledge of support from the Chairman of the Indonesia People’s Consultative Assembly and the Vice Chairman of the prominent Indonesian Golkar political party.

The platform also offers users and creators the chance to earn incentives while playing games, promoting financial well-being in mobile gaming and giving developers a safe platform.

Principally, Creo Play is a dedicated platform within the Creo Engine ecosystem. It enables the easy integration of games and digital products from multiple developers and fosters a single metaverse with true interoperability. Creo Play’s infrastructure hosts a wide range of global web3 games, making integration easier for developers. 

With more than 30 web3-based games currently using Creo Engine, some with hundreds of thousands of active users daily, Verasity’s Rewarded Video technology integration offers immense potential. 

Based on the partnership, players can access content, tournaments, and replays from their favorite games in a stand-alone video section inside the Creo Play App.

The partnership between the two companies also offers Creo Play a new revenue stream through very targeted contextual ads supplied by VeraViews’ ad server, which connects with major ad networks, including Google, Amazon Ads, and Pubmatic. Parallel to this, the partnership allows Verasity to increase the number of people using its VeraViews video player.

As RJ Mark, CEO and Founder of Verasity comments on the collaboration, “this is the first of many web3 gaming partnerships that will advance adoption of the VeraViews video player in the blockchain space. We will now leverage our relationships in the web3 gaming space, such as our membership of Neo Tokyo and the launch of VeraAds, to explore similar opportunities in the near future.”

Verasity and Creo Engine will work together in the following months to create a unique video environment for the highlights of Creo Play games and assess the viability of adding Watch & Earn capabilities to Creo Play games.

Notably, this collaboration is consistent with Verasity’s strategic focus on web3 gaming projects, as evidenced by the launch of VeraAds in late 2023—a service designed to give blockchain brands access to VeraView’s advertising suite—and their participation in the Neo Tokyo community, which influential figure Alex Becker founded to connect pioneering brands in crypto gaming. 

Hong Kong Approves First Wave of Spot Bitcoin and Ether ETFs for Trading


Hong Kong’s financial regulator, the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC), recently greenlit the debut of spot Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether exchange-traded funds (ETFs), scheduled to commence trading on April 30, as per a Cointelegraph report.

The approved ETFs, spearheaded by China Asset Management (ChinaAMC), are poised to offer investors, both retail and institutional, a regulated avenue for delving into the world of digital assets.

Thomas Zhu, head of digital assets and family office business at ChinaAMC, emphasized the allure of these ETFs, stating, “The in-kind feature also attracts coin holders by offering the ease of converting coins to fully regulated ETFs managed by professional fund managers and regulated custodians.”

Hong Kong’s approach stands in contrast to the cash-centric model seen in the United States, with a focus on in-kind creation models that facilitate the generation of new ETF shares through BTC and ETH.

Rebecca Sin, an ETF analyst at Bloomberg, highlighted the significance of this strategy, noting, “Hong Kong is aiming for in-kind creation of the ETF, unlike the US, where the transaction is cash only — in the US, it’s cash in, Bitcoin ETF out, while Hong Kong aims for Bitcoin in, ETF out.”

READ MORE: DAO Maker Faces Backlash Over Unfulfilled Compensation Promises Following $7M Hack

Anticipation surrounds the potential for a fee competition among ETF issuers in Hong Kong, with James Seyffart, another Bloomberg ETF analyst, suggesting, “A potential fee war could break out in Hong Kong over these Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs.”

Harvest, in particular, is set to shake things up with a full fee waiver and a meager fee of 0.3% after the waiver.

Eric Balchunas, a senior ETF analyst at Bloomberg, expressed optimism regarding the lower-than-expected fees for the initial ETFs, deeming it a promising indicator.

He observed, “Fees are 30bps, 60bps, and 99bps which is on average lower than we thought, good sign.”

The impending debut of these ETFs in Hong Kong not only marks a milestone in the region’s financial landscape but also signals a significant step forward in the mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies within a regulated framework.

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Tate’s Bugatti (TATEBUG) Launches on Solana, Poised to Rally 7,400% as it Challenges Shiba Inu and Dogecoin


Tate’s Bugatti (TATEBUG) could become a viral memecoin, like Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE).

Tate’s Bugatti (TATEBUG), a Solana memecoin that was today recently, is aiming to challenge other memecoin giants, such as Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE).

Early investors in SHIB and DOGE made astronomical returns, and Tate’s Bugatti presents a similar opportunity.

Tate’s Bugatti has launched with over $54,000 of locked liquidity, giving it a unique advantage over the majority of other new memecoins, and early investors could make huge gains.

The exciting memecoin is poised to rally 7,400% in the coming two days, and Tate’s Bugatti could potentially reach a multi-million dollar market cap within a few weeks.

Currently, Tate’s Bugatti can only be purchased via Solana decentralized exchanges, like Jupiter and Raydium, and early investors stand to make huge returns in the coming days.

To buy Tate’s Bugatti on these platforms, users need to connect their Solflare, MetaMask or Phantom wallet, and swap Solana for Tate’s Bugatti by entering its contract address – 5tfnSQC1QUoYqzHvWGwyZSiUdA4RMkg6k5XZKeige9zJ – in the receiving field.

In fact, early investors could make returns similar to those who invested in Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) before these memecoins went viral and exploded in price.

If this happens, a new wave of memecoin millionaires could be created in a matter of weeks – or potentially even sooner.

The Solana memecoin craze continues amid larger memecoins, like Shiba Inu (SHIB), Dogecoin (DOGE) and DogWifHat (WIF) trading sideways in recent weeks and losing momentum.

This is why many SHIB, DOGE and WIF investors are instead investing in new Solana memecoins, like TATEBUG.

Robinhood Broadens Cryptocurrency Reach: New Yorkers Gain Access to SHIB, AVAX, and COMP Trading


Starting Wednesday, New Yorkers gain access to trade Shiba Inu (SHIB), Avalanche (AVAX), and Compound (COMP) on Robinhood, expanding the platform’s offerings for Empire State residents to a total of 11 cryptocurrencies.

The move signifies Robinhood’s extension of trading opportunities for New York residents.

In a recent announcement, the platform unveiled the addition of Shiba Inu, Avalanche, and Compound to its list of tradable tokens in the Empire State, joining the existing options such as bitcoin (BTC), ether (ETH), dogecoin (DOGE), bitcoin cash (BCH), chainlink (LINK), litecoin (LTC), ethereum classic (ETC), and aave (AAVE).

The revelation came through an email sent to New York residents, as reported by The Block.

READ MORE: DAO Maker Faces Backlash Over Unfulfilled Compensation Promises Following $7M Hack

Robinhood’s decision to expand its cryptocurrency offerings in New York echoes its previous moves in the space.

Last June, the platform made headlines by delisting three token cryptocurrencies — Cardano (ADA), Polygon (MATIC), and Solana (SOL) — following a declaration by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regarding their status as securities.

Following the announcement, the prices of AVAX, SHIB, and COMP experienced slight declines, according to data from The Block.

AVAX is currently trading at $37.48, with SHIB and COMP priced at $0.000026 and $58.35, respectively.

Despite the minor dips, the addition of these tokens to Robinhood’s New York offerings opens up further avenues for trading and investment for Empire State residents.

In summary, Robinhood’s decision to enable trading of Shiba Inu, Avalanche, and Compound for New Yorkers marks an expansion of its cryptocurrency offerings in the state, providing investors with access to a wider range of digital assets on the platform.

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Binance Founder CZ Faces 36-Month Jail Term as U.S. Prosecutors Urge Sentencing


On April 30, the sentencing of Binance founder Changpeng “CZ” Zhao looms as U.S. authorities gear up. Prosecutors, urging a jail term, advocate for a 36-month sentence following Zhao’s admission of guilt in violating anti-money laundering laws, as detailed in a court filing on April 23.

“In light of Zhao’s intentional breach of U.S. law and its repercussions, a 36-month sentence surpassing standard guidelines is justified,” stated prosecutors in the submission to the U.S. district court for the Western District of Washington.

They emphasized that this, combined with a $50 million fine, strikes a balance aligned with sentencing objectives under 18 U.S.C. § 3553(a).

Zhao confessed to breaching U.S. money laundering regulations and relinquished his CEO role at Binance in November 2023. Additionally, he incurred a direct $50 million penalty, alongside broader fines imposed on Binance.

Federal guidelines cap Zhao’s potential prison term at 18 months, a limitation he agreed not to contest. He has remained free on a $175 million bond.

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Acknowledging his transgressions, Zhao, along with Binance, consented to a $4.3 billion settlement with the U.S. government to conclude the legal proceedings. This agreement allowed Binance to sustain its operations under U.S. regulatory compliance.

Despite stepping away from Binance, Zhao maintains involvement in the cryptocurrency sector. In March, he unveiled Giggle Academy, an educational initiative focused on crypto and blockchain, emphasizing its exclusion of new tokens.

Geared towards toddlers aged two to three, the project aims to foster early engagement with these technologies.

Recently, Zhao unveiled Giggle Academy’s logo, embodying youth, positivity, and growth while paying homage to Binance’s legacy.

“We wanted the Giggle Academy logo to exude youthfulness, fun, positive vibes, and evolution. It’s also a nod to our roots at Binance,” he expressed on April 24.

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Crypto Security Experts Offer Tips for Newcomers Amid Rising Phishing Threats


Despite the prevalence of hacks within the crypto space, crypto security experts emphasize that newcomers can navigate the risks by taking certain precautions.

According to a market sizing report by on Jan. 22, the crypto space saw a surge to approximately 580 million users by December 2023, marking a 34% increase since January 2023.

With the influx of new users, Cointelegraph consulted security professionals to offer guidance on safeguarding funds in the digital asset realm.

Luciano Ciattaglia, the director of services at cybersecurity firm Hacken, advises novice digital asset users to steer clear of decentralized finance (DeFi) or decentralized exchanges (DEXs) initially.

Ciattaglia suggests, “Don’t rush into DeFi or DEXs straight away.

Most people use centralized exchanges or wallets for all their crypto investments, and that’s fine.”

He further stresses the importance of choosing exchanges with a solid security track record.

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Similarly, CertiK co-founder Ronghui Gu recommends that concerned new users opt for reputable exchanges and wallets, and even consider investing in hardware wallets for heightened security.

Gu underscores the significance of educating oneself on crypto security fundamentals, such as securing private key storage and employing strong passwords, along with enabling multifactor authentication.

Gu also warns against sharing personal data online and falling victim to phishing scams, citing CertiK’s report, which documented 83 crypto phishing incidents in Q1 of 2024, noting an alarming increase in sophistication and success rates.

Ciattaglia underscores the necessity for new users to invest in projects that undergo security audits and maintain active bug bounties, as audited projects with such measures are less susceptible to rug pulls.

Hacken’s quarterly report revealed that 56% of hacked projects between January and March 2024 lacked security audits, leaving vulnerabilities unresolved for a significant portion of these companies.

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Shiba Inu and DogWifHat Challenger Cyborg Shiba (CYSHIB) to Surge 4,700% Following Solana Launch


Cyborg Shiba (CYSHIB) could become a viral memecoin, like Shiba Inu (SHIB) and DogWifHat (WIF).

Cyborg Shiba (CYSHIB), a Solana memecoin that was launched today, is aiming to challenge other memecoin giants, such as Shiba Inu (SHIB) and DogWifHat (WIF).

Early investors in SHIB and WIF made astronomical returns, and Cyborg Shiba presents a similar opportunity.

Cyborg Shiba has a market cap below $10,000 at the moment, meaning that when it just reaches a modest market cap of $200,000-$500,000, early investors would generate returns of 2,000%-5,000% in a matter of days or hours.

The exciting memecoin is poised to rally 4,700% in the coming two days, and Cyborg Shiba could potentially reach a multi-million dollar market cap within a few weeks.

Currently, Cyborg Shiba can only be purchased via Solana decentralized exchanges, like Jupiter and Raydium, and early investors stand to make huge returns in the coming days.

To buy Cyborg Shiba on these platforms, users need to connect their Solflare, MetaMask or Phantom wallet, and swap Solana for Cyborg Shiba by entering its contract address – D5hXWyqKPUo4gZB1v8GQuWqb3EgDWuu2fuQQiVTHPutY – in the receiving field.

In fact, early investors could make returns similar to those who invested in Shiba Inu (SHIB) and DogWifHat (WIF) before these memecoins went viral and exploded in price.

If this happens, a new wave of memecoin millionaires could be created in a matter of weeks – or potentially even sooner.

The Solana memecoin craze continues amid larger memecoins, like Shiba Inu (SHIB), Dogecoin (DOGE) and DogWifHat (WIF) trading sideways in recent weeks and losing momentum.

This is why many SHIB, DOGE and WIF investors are instead investing in new Solana memecoins, like CYSHIB.

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